
Thank you for visiting my website.
I look forward to sharing with you something about my work and life's passions.

Curriculum vitae


Doctor of Musical Arts (Organ Performance)
University of Kansas, 2008
     Organ study with James Higdon 
    D.M.A. Document—“The Embodiment of Harmony: A History of Organs
     in the Roman Catholic Cathedrals of Omaha Culminating in an Organ by
     Martin Pasi with Two Temperaments” (Defended 16 July 2007)

Master of Music (Organ Performance and Literature)
University of Notre Dame, 1992
     Organ study with Craig Cramer and David Boe

Bachelor of Music (Church Music/Organ)
St. Olaf College, 1988
     Organ study with John Fergson and Robert Thompson
     Choral conducting study with Kenneth Jennings
     Voice study with Robert Scholz

Professional History

School of Music / Division of Organ and Church Music
University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas

Music Director 
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
Leawood, Kansas

Executive Director
Saint Cecilia Schola Cantorum
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha
Omaha, Nebraska

Artist in Residence
Visitation Catholic Church
Roman Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph
Kansas City, Missouri

Visiting Lecturer
The Liturgical Institute
University of Saint Mary of the Lake
Mundelein, Illinois

Director of Music / Cathedral Organist
Saint Cecilia Cathedral
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha
Omaha, Nebraska

Director of Liturgy and Music
Our Lady of the Presentation Church
Roman Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph
Lee’s Summit, Missouri

Director of Music
St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas

Director of Liturgy and Music / Cathedral Organist
Cathedral of Saint Paul
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis
St. Paul, Minnesota

Director of Liturgical Music
St. Pius X Catholic Church
Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend
Granger, Indiana

Graduate Assistant
Basilica of the Sacred Heart
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana

Director of Music and Worship
Church of Saint Mary
Roman Catholic Diocese of New Ulm
Willmar, Minnesota